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what to eat before and after working out
There is quite a lot of noise in the sports nutrition world. Simple nutrients in food may be lost in the mix when companies compete with each other to sell products that are restored before, during and after the best exercise. Fortunately, sports nutrition is not necessarily very complex.

In the simplest form, food before exercise should provide us with the energy we need so that we can get the most out of our exercise without making us feel full and uncomfortable. Similarly, the diet after exercise should have the necessary nutrients to help the body recover and repair muscles.

Best Exercise Food

Before exercising, give your body something to absorb energy. Generally speaking, the combination of fast burning and slow burning fuels means that the combination of simple and complex carbohydrates that are easy to digest is ideal.

Simple carbohydrates can provide a mass of energy for the body, while complex carbohydrates will provide a continuous and stable energy for the whole sport.

A meal consists of whole wheat toast and a little nut butter or avocado. Fresh fruit is a good example of an exercise meal. Sugarless yogurt and fruit-rich granola cereals are another good example.

Great Recovery Meal after Exercise

When it completes itself, the body needs different types of food, because it needs lean protein muscle building capacity to help restore and repair.

The body also needs energy substitution, but achieving simple carbohydrates at this time is not only challenging to maintain your blood sugar, but also counterproductive to exercising first.

A good example of a solid post-exercise meal is roasted skinless white broiler with roasted vegetables. This combination of complex carbohydrates and lean proteins will restore the body to a faster recovery path than anything else; it serves as an additional reward for its real food.

Recovery and enhancement

When looking for additional nutrients from post-exercise nutrition rather than just basic recovery, consider using several supplements to rotate the mixture.

A good antioxidant, such as astaxanthin, helps to deal with free radicals and body toxins produced during exercise, which may be a good help. In addition, for more protein kicking after exercise, whey protein powder or protein containing super Spirulina supplement were supplemented.

In this way, the body can get everything it needs to recover and be ready for the next training. But remember, supplements can't replace good nutrition. The real whole food we eat affects our ability to get results from exercise and recover from it - regardless of our fitness goals.

Supplementations can help. But without a solid foundation for good nutrition, all of the world's supplements will not get the most out of the effort invested.


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