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Chocolate Spirulina Pralines


  • • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • • 2 tbsp rice malt syrup
  • • 3 cups shredded coconut
  • • 4 tbsp coconut milk
  • • 1 tsp Earthrise Spirulina powder



  1. 125 ml cacao powder
  2. 125 ml coconut oil
, melted
  3. 3 tbsp rice malt syrup



2-3 tbsp chopped pistachios mixed with a good pinch of spirulina


  1. 1. Blend all filling ingredients together in a food processor.
  2. 2. Remove half of the mix and tip it into a 20cm x 20cm baking paper-lined tin, pressing it down firmly and neatly to create a smooth, even layer.
  3. 3. Pop the tray into the freezer for a couple of minutes while you create the green layer.
  4. 4. Add a teaspoon of spirulina powder to the remaining half of the mix in the food processor and give it a blitz.
  5. 5. Take the tray out of the freezer and evenly flatten out the green half of the mix on top of the white layer. Pop the tray back in the freezer.
  6. 6. Combine all chocolate coating ingredients in a small saucepan and stir on a low heat until well incorporated.
  7. 7. Remove the tray from the freezer after an hour or so and cut the coconut filling slab into small squares with a sharp knife.
  8. 8. Pop the squares on baking paper and drizzle over chocolate coating. Turn each square around, dabbing each side in the puddles of run-off chocolate to coat all sides evenly (yes, it gets messy right about now).
  9. 9. Place coated “pralines” onto a clean, baking paper-lined tray and sprinkle with the spirulina-laced chopped pistachios.
  10. 10. Refrigerate/freeze to set and store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. Remove from fridge/freezer a few minutes before serving.


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