Entomophagy and the question of meat
Although insects have long been considered as a food in many countries of the world, there are still some adversities for insects in other countries.
However, with this in mind, there may be a point of view in countries that view crickets and grasshoppers as nutritious meals.
Insect food has many advantages.
The first thing that comes to mind is the question of nutrition planning: insects are protein-rich and, in fact, very rich. Equivalent insects contain more protein than steak.
In addition, comparing insect food with the steak mentioned above has another advantage. We're not talking about comparing nutritional values, but about the whole production process.
It is true that a large proportion of people in the world eat calves and pigs to make them snubbed. But the meat that is produced and produced from calves and the meat cooked on our table has a price in many respects, which should not be. It's underestimated.
In Italy, for example, we raise about 9 million cows, both of which are intended for slaughter and slaughter.
In the United States, there are almost 50 million people in charge.
This can directly lead to an increase in greenhouse gases due to natural gas emissions from animals. Just imagine that a single head can produce nearly 500 litres of methane gas in a day. By multiplying that number by more than one billion cows worldwide, these numbers are amazingly high.
By fast calculation, cows can produce about 15% of all planetary methane together.
But the problem is not limited to direct pollution.
Tenebrio molitor larvae
In order to raise such a large number of cattle, pigs and sheep, a large amount of feed is needed.
About half of the fertile land currently available contains crops for livestock breeding.
Although these animals do eat some of the plants that humans cannot eat, this situation is becoming increasingly unsustainable year by year.
Feed crops increase, subtracting land from other animal species and destroying forests.
Another problem is the extensive use of water resources, which is essential for feeding and raising agriculture.
It is estimated that about 15,000 litres of water are produced in a kilogram of beef.
Finally, the damage to ecosystems, especially in the United States, is incalculable when intensive farming systems are replaced by huge pastures.
It seems insufficient, especially in the United States and developing countries, where meat consumption continues to increase, with the consequent increase in livestock and resources for breeding.
For some time, the authorities have suggested using fewer meat and animal products, especially red meat, which are in poor health and environmentally friendly, but the main problem is the lack of adequate nutritional alternative sources of protein.
Insect food may be part of the solution.
Not only is the protein content of steak high, but also its popular substitutes, tofu and a small amount of fat contain more protein. Insect food represents the future of food.