Prevent high blood pressure? These methods can be done at home! Seeing is earning!
Hypertension is a chronic disease familiar to the public in daily life. With the change of lifestyle, the prevalence of hypertension continues to increase, and the prevalence of hypertension in Chinese adults has reached 25.2%. This data makes everyone have to be vigilant about high blood pressure, and there is no shortcut to prevent and control high blood pressure. It needs to start from the bit by bit in life.
The following is the integration of prevention and control methods for hypertension, I hope to help everyone to prevent high blood pressure~
A bag of pine pollen is good
More than 200 kinds of active nutrients (rich minerals and vitamins) contained in pine pollen are essential for maintaining human body function and preventing diseases. Pine pollen has a lipid-lowering effect, and many nutrients regulate cholesterol in both directions.
Two will not bother
Smooth urination is a reflection of the normal state of digestion and excretion of the human body. The elderly have many troubles such as constipation and frequent urination and poor urine. It is recommended that everyone develop good bowel habits. Do not use force when holding the toilet. If necessary, take active medication.
Three meals should be balanced
The concept of a balanced diet consists of a combination of nutrients and thicknesses, as well as a diversity of nutrients and proper control. According to the ancient Chinese teaching, “the grain is for raising, the five dishes are for filling, the five animals are for benefit, and the five fruits are for help”, which is the basic mode of balanced diet.
Four-body exercise weight control
Everyone should choose the right project and insist on moderate exercise (suitable for 60 to 90 minutes per exercise). Combined with diet control, it helps to maintain normal weight and eliminate the risk factors of hypertension.
Five-color fruits and vegetables are uninterrupted
Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, and have active ingredients that stimulate blood-soluble fibrin, which can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. High cellulose can also inhibit the absorption of lipids. It is recommended that you ensure that you consume 350-500g of fresh vegetables per day, 200-300g of fruit.
Six grams of salt does not exceed
Sodium absorbs a lot of water in the human body. When the salt is ingested, the water in the human body will accumulate in the blood vessels, which will increase the burden on the heart and blood vessels and cause the blood pressure to rise. If the amount of salt is below 6 grams per day, it can not only ensure the body's need for sodium, but also reduce the cardiovascular burden.
Seven emotions are not controlled
Emotional changes have a great impact on the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. Faced with a lot of cumbersome and sudden things around, people need to maintain a good balance of psychological coping, which is not only conducive to physical and mental health, but also conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease.
Eight parties make friends happy
Older people should learn to adjust their emotions. They can participate in various old-age activities, make more friends, ease loneliness, and let them have the opportunity to talk about the "bitterness" in life, and share their joy with old friends.
A study by the University of Michigan found that on average, 16 retired seniors with high life satisfaction can rely on friends or acquaintances; on the contrary, older people with less than 10 friends are mostly dissatisfied with retirement. This mental state can directly affect blood pressure fluctuations.
Nine (wine) should drink less smoke and not smoke
Excessive drinking can lead to arteriosclerosis. Drinking drinkers should control the intake of alcohol every day. It is best not to drink alcohol frequently. A cigarette can increase the systolic blood pressure of the human body and cause the occurrence and onset of myocardial infarction and stroke.
Very relaxed and not bothered
Have a correct understanding of high blood pressure and its complications, that is, be careful but not worried. Maintain a relaxed mindset and adhere to a reasonable lifestyle... Through these efforts, high blood pressure is completely preventable and controllable.