Spirulina: the miracle food
nSpirulina is producing quite a buzz. No wonder many people on the Internet are looking for more information about this super food. Now, that's why we've compiled some answers to common questions about spirulina, from what is spirulina to what you can buy Spirulina and so on! Let's get started, OK?
What is Spirulina?
First, what is Spirulina? Well, Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which nutritionists call the future superfood. It is responsible for producing oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere, which developed the primitive life forms of the Earth billions of years ago. In short, Spirulina is the first super food in the world and one of the most nutritious foods in the world.
Benefits of Spirulina: What are the health benefits of Spirulina?
Now, the next question we should answer is, what is Spirulina good for or more precisely, what role does Spirulina play in your body? To answer this question, here are some benefits of Spirulina that you should know:
It eliminates heavy metals (especially arsenic) - Spirulina is a heavy metal detoxification. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic arsenic toxicity is a worldwide problem. Researchers point out that there is no specific treatment for arsenic poisoning, which is why they evaluate alternatives such as cyanobacteria. And it works very well!
2. Candida eradication - According to researchers, "Candida belongs to the normal microflora of the oral, gastrointestinal and vaginal mucosa of individuals" and causes candidiasis. On the other hand, Spirulina's immune-enhancing properties help the body eliminate Candida cells.
3. It helps fight AIDS/AIDS - A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology shows that people who regularly eat algae have relatively low HIV/AIDS infection rates. No wonder people in Japan, Korea and Chad have relatively low rates of HIV/AIDS, thanks to the abundance of freshwater plants in the region.
4. Cancer immunity-Spirulina platensis is rich in tetrapyrrol compounds closely related to bilirubin molecule. Bilirubin molecule is a potential antioxidant and anti-proline agent. It has been found that experimental therapies significantly reduce the proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cell lines in vitamins in a dose-dependent manner compared with untreated cells. This means that Spirulina is a potential natural cancer treatment.
5. It lowers blood pressure - Japanese researchers claim that consuming this blue-green algae can reverse endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome and help reduce heart disease.
6. It can reduce cholesterol-Spirulina can prevent atherosclerosis and reduce blood cholesterol levels.
7. Reducing the likelihood of stroke - Spirulina supplements are also known to reduce the intimal aortic surface, which helps prevent atherosclerosis and subsequent strokes. In addition, Spirulina can literally reverse the damage caused by poor diet, which is of great benefit to the heart.
8. Increase energy - People who eat Spirulina regularly have enough energy, because Spirulina has energy-enhancing chemicals. As Spirulina releases sugars from cells, this energy performance is enhanced - the cooling of frozen ice increases metabolic energy, while bringing a "wake-up" to our bodies.
9. Accelerated Weight Loss - Concentrated protein-rich foods, such as Spirulina, promote weight loss and low-fat storage through various mechanisms. Eating protein helps maintain lean tissue and promotes fat burning because it requires more energy to metabolize.
10. Neuroprotection for Brain Diseases and Memory Enhancement - Studies have found that Spirulina may prevent memory loss by "reducing the accumulation of AB protein, reducing oxidative damage and mainly increasing catalase activity".
Dose and usage of Spirulina platensis
The two most common forms of Spirulina on the market are Spirulina powder and Spirulina tablets. It is also a component of some protein and energy-enhancing powder mixtures.
How to Take Spirulina
You can mix a spoonful of spirulina powder into a glass of water or juice and drink it directly. As a dietary supplement, the recommended minimum is 3 - 1 teaspoon of Spirulina powder or 500 mg Spirulina tablets per day. Since it is a natural food, you can take it safely to meet your personal health goals. If you're just starting to take Spirulina, gradually establish a doze. Take one tablet a day for the first two days. Then, take two tablets a day for the next two days. For the next two days, take three tablets a day until the required dose is reached.
You can take Spirulina anytime and anywhere - before meals, before meals or between meals; before and after exercise; or your energy is low. Because high-protein foods have been found to increase alertness - Spirulina is one of the most abundant foods.