Spinach is a green leafy vegetable. It is also an important source of calcium, vitamins, iron and antioxidants. Spinach is a good supplement to any meat or dairy-free diet because of its iron and calcium content. A cup of raw spinach consists mainly of water and contains only 7 calories. It also provides the following nutrients: ...
Where can I buy the best SPIRULINA? There's no doubt you can get it here. ...
Spirulina eating 1. Daily health care 2-3 times a day, 2 grams each time, take 30 minutes before meals. You can always take it at any time. 2. Anti-fatigue 2-3 times a day, each time 2-4 grams, taken 30 minutes before meals. Add 2 grams when you are particularly tired. 3. Lose weight and fa...
Many people's way to lose weight is not to eat, or to eat a good meal, this method is not right, not only has no effect, but also has a great harm to the health of the human body. For spirulina diet weight loss methods, the most important thing is safety and health. Spirulina, weight loss is a stage every 8 days, and three stages is a cycle of 24 days. The first stage, entry: 8 days, bur...
Spirulina to lose weight 1. For people who are mildly obese: eat 3 grams of spirulina powder or 2 spirulina tablets 1 hour before meals every day, take 3 times a day, while controlling diet and maintaining proper amount of aerobic exercise. Generally, the weight can be reduced by 5-10 kg in one month. ...
How to eat spirulina powder? Improve gastrointestinal digestion...
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