An easy-to-make and delicious Spirulina green smoothie recipe made with the number one Spirulina on Earth. Makes approximately 2 Servings. Ingredients: 1 Fresh Banana (Slightly Green) 1 Fresh Peach 1 Fresh Pear 1 Glass Pineapple Juice 2 Tablespoons of Grapenuts® Cereal 1 Tablespoon of Earthrise® Spirulina Honey (To Taste) – Optional Instructions: Blend the first four ingredients i...
Spirulina is a kind of natural health food, which is made of cyanogreen algae and contains more than 30 beneficial nutrients. About 50-80 grams of plant protein can be found in 100 grams of Spirulina platensis. This protein contains a fine balance of all essential amino acids and is of good quality. Spirulina 100% also provides an excellent balance of minerals and vitamins, including beta-carotene...
Suitable for people who eat spirulina...
Chia seed pudding is a delicious breakfast or healthy dessert choice. It is rich in protein, Omega 3 and antioxidants. Preparation time: 5 minutes Volume: 1 copy Mixed ingredients: - 1/4 cup of Chia seed ...
Ingredients: - 1 organic apple - 1 tablespoon nut butter - 1/4 teaspoon Hawaiian Spirulina powder - 1 teaspoon cacao nibs - 1 tablespoon dried goji berries...
Spirulina weight loss Constipation can eat spirulina?...
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