What foods eat in the fall hurt the stomach
The health of the gastrointestinal tract is very important for the health of our human body, but many of our friends often have some gastrointestinal problems in their lives, which is very unfavorable for the health of our human body, especially in the autumn. People often suffer from gastrointestinal problems because of unhealthy diet. So what foods do you eat in the fall?
1. Everyone must pay more attention to the fact that in the autumn, everyone should not drink alcohol regularly. If you drink alcohol regularly in the fall, it will affect the health of the stomach. When it comes to stomach injury, alcohol is definitely the first to bear the brunt. Alcohol can destroy the protective layer of the gastric mucosa, causing the hydrogen ions in the gastric juice to diffuse into the gastric mucosa, causing mucosal congestion and edema. Acute gastric mucosal inflammation can occur with long-term drinking or heavy alcohol abuse, which can lead to chronic superficial or atrophic gastritis in the long run.
2, In addition, friends with bad stomach in autumn also need to pay attention to stay away from mint, mint is a cool product, if the autumn continues to take, affecting the health of the stomach. Autumn is easy to sleep, and some people like to refresh with mint. But beware, mint will relax the esophageal sphincter and increase the chance of pantothenic acid. Be careful with anything that contains mint, such as mint tea, mints, and mint chewing gum.
3, we all need to pay more attention to is that everyone in the fall is also best not to drink soda and juice, otherwise it will seriously harm the health of our stomach. The two drinks, soda and juice, contain a lot of fructose, but excessive intake of fructose increases the burden on the stomach. About 30% of adults do not absorb fructose well, which leads to gastrointestinal discomfort.
What kind of food do we eat in the fall? It is believed that we all have a general understanding now. We can know that in the autumn, there are more foods that hurt the stomach, so especially our stomach itself is not good. Friends, in the fall, it is best not to eat these foods.