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Five breathing exercises for quick relaxation
In these fast-paced, busy times, the average adult report in the United States feels overwhelmed, overworked and under pressure from all sides. Without adequate sleep, relaxation time and physical exercise, it is difficult to maintain a healthy vision and combat the effects of stress.

Stress may be one of the greatest negative impacts on one's health, so finding effective ways to combat stress should be the primary task of most adults.  Breathing exercises can be a powerful relaxation tool that can be easily completed in almost any environment or environment. The following five breathing exercises come from various meditation and exercise disciplines.

1 - Respiratory Count
This is a seemingly simple technique borrowed from the practice of Zen Buddhism. Starting from a comfortable sitting position with a straight spine, the person closes his eyes and continues to breathe normally and quietly. After a while, the man began to calculate exhalation, because they happened naturally.

Every five exhalations, the person begins to calculate. This may be harder to maintain than it seems. Practice for ten minutes and relax completely.

2 - Equal Counting
This exercise is as simple as it sounds. The practitioner starts with a comfortable sitting position and straightens his spine. Then they began slowly counting each inhalation and exhalation four times, trying to keep the depth and duration of each half-breath equal. This exercise is especially helpful for sleeping.

3 - Encourage the Spirit
This exercise should not be performed before sleep, because it can have an awakening effect on practitioners. Starting from a comfortable sitting or prone position with a straight back, the practitioner inhales slowly through the nose, then exhales quickly and forcefully through the nose, pushed by a diaphragm. This can be repeated up to ten times to help clear the mind.

4 - Abdominal count
Again, the practitioner began to be in a comfortable position with his spine straight, one hand on his chest and the other on his abdomen. By inhaling slowly through the nose, the practitioner of this technique expands the abdomen until the breath is full, and then exhales through the nose.

The goal is to breathe six to ten times a minute for ten minutes. This exercise can support healthy blood pressure and heart rate.

5 - Nasal breathing
Yogis use this ultimate technique to try to balance the brain and senses. Place thumb on one nostril, index finger on another nostril. The practitioner breathes through the left nostril, clamps the right nostril, and then breathes through the right nostril, clamps the left nostril. Repeat this process until calm and mental clarity are restored.

Simple and easy to use
Breathing exercises are free, easy to operate and can be performed in almost any environment to support healthy stress levels, mental clarity and attention. Practice today.

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