Spirulina is a blue-green algae that protects the brain, reduces liver fat and even helps you exercise better. Although I admit that my impression of a typical Spirulina consumer is that Granola oatmeal is one of the tree eaters who likes to walk barefoot in the woods chewing nuts and berries, rather than lying in a beach cabin serving caviar and sushi. There are many things to recommend. In fact,...
Spirulina is made up of 65% protein. This is an extremely amount of protein high for a plant, and one of the reasons it is becoming more and more popular as a supplement. It also contains sources of all nine essential amino acids. It’s an easy, healthy way to boost your protein intake, and a great source of protein for vegetarians. Furthermore, this protein is highly absorbable. ✔ Contains esse...
Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is one of the most densely nutrient packed superfoods on earth. This amazing environmentally sustainable algae has been a nutritious dietary supplement for thousands of years....
Here are some benefits of Spirulina for diabetic patients: Spirulina naturally lowers blood sugar levels...
Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which contains many nutrients, including B vitamins, beta-carotene and vitamin E. Spirulina also contains antioxidants, minerals, chlorophyll and phycocyanin, and is often used as a source of pure protein. Health benefits According to supporters, Spirulina is said to help solve the following health problems: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can...
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