You may consume the recommended amount of spirulina daily and not lose an inch if you do not watch what you eat. Here is a sample diet chart to help you figure out what you should eat to lose weight.
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This sample diet chart clearly shows that you need to include a substantial amount of lean protein (fish, chicken, mushroom, lentils, tofu, soy, etc.), complex carbs (fruits and veggies), healthy fats (nuts and olive oil), and dietary fiber (fenugreek seeds, fruits, veggies, and lentil), metabolism boosting agents (green tea or peppermint tea), and weight loss supplements (spirulina) to shed the fat. And the best part is, there are other health benefits of consuming spirulina. Here’s they go.
Spirulina powder Spirulina can be purchased as a tablet or powder. One teaspoon (3.3 g) of spirulina powder contains: 2 grams of high quality protein with all nine essential amino acids Essential fatty acid...
Provides with large quantity of antioxidants that the body needs, loaded with carotenoids and enzymes that helps the body from premature aging. Also it helps the body's ability in generating new blood cells. ...
spirulina tablets and weight loss...
Dosage of tablets Adults: 6 – 10 tablets daily. Children: 1 – 3 tablets daily....
As a dietary supplement, Spirulina has different ingredient labeling requirements from food, although its safety is still regulated by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. Spirulina can be taken alone or mixed with food in the form of powder or tablets....
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